Terms of Reference
Consultancy Services for Caring y out in-depth capacity needs assessment for WAC Seven Main Units (Individual)
Women’s Affairs Center (WAC) was established in August 1991 by a group of activist professional women to promote women's rights and gender equality within the Palestinian society via empowering and enhancing women’s abilities in a range of non-traditional skills to address the problems and respond to the needs of women under the difficult political, socio-economic, cultural and legal context in the Gaza Strip.
WAC strategic goals /long term impacts are: 1) Vulnerable women and girls (rights holders); particularly the victims and survivors of violence; in the Gaza Strip manifested economic advancement, resilience, agency and increasingly engaged in relations and networks through coordinated multi-sectoral GBV services; 2) Improved knowledge-led and informed decision making on women and GBV issues; and 3) Local and national duty bearers are accountable and increasingly take actions to advance women's human rights, gender equality and women's participation in political and public life.
Main Programs:
The Core-Strategic Programs based on WAC strategic plan (2018-2021) are:
- Empowering Women Program (EWP): includes: i) improving accessibility of vulnerable women and girls to GBV multispectral responses including MHPSS (emergency helpline, first aid PSS, structured individual PSS, structured group PSS, couple/ family therapy, specialized mental health, recreational open days), legal aid (counseling and representation); dignity/hygiene kits; case management, and employment and income opportunities (self-employment like micro/small income generating projects and wage employment like Cash for work); and referral to shelter services, sexual and reproductive health services and diagnosis and rehabilitation of cases with cancer (e.g. breast cancer); ii) building capacities of GBV actors (GBV specialized and non-GBV specialized actors) including state actors and women/health CBOs.
- Information and action research program includes: rapid needs assessment for most vulnerable women and girls’ victims/ survivors of GBV in the context of COVID-19; researches on COVID-19 impact on the rise of GBV against women and girls, COVID- 19 impact on economic violence, and COVID-19 impact on women owned micro-businesses; systemization and documentation of lessons learned and best practices from community engagement mechanisms and applying remote working modalities in GBV counselling and case management and producing briefing note identifying key recommendations for community-based engagement GBV programming; and self-evaluation to measure the change in the lives of vulnerable women and girls GBV victims and survivors in terms of saving their lives, reducing their suffering and maintaining their human dignity.
- Advocacy and Communication program includes: radio ads, radio spots and radio sessions on GBV services; producing short videos and short featured films on GBV issues; publishing and disseminating pamphlets and brochures directly to women and girls GBV victims/ survivors on GBV types and risks and GBV services; press releases, policy papers; infographic fact sheets on GBV situation; online petitions and tweeting events on GBV prevention and response; feedback and complaints mechanism handling made to WAC by women and girls GBV victims/ survivors; panel discussions/hearing accountability sessions involving women GBV victims/ survivors and GBV actors; establishing an alliance “Women’s Access to Services Promotors- WASP” including representatives of EVAW public and CSO service providers (economic, medical, legal, psychosocial, security, shelter), WESAL and AMAL Coalitions; advocacy campaigns/ initiatives to denounce GBV and raise humanitarian needs for most vulnerable women and adolescent girls GBV victims/ survivors.
Capacity Needs Assessments Objective & Expected Results:
The capacity needs assessments results will be collected involving different target group and stakeholders engaged across the different components of the programs, such program beneficiaries CBOs and local community. recommendations for future programming needs.
The main expected results of the assignment will be as follows:
Conducting need assessment of Empowering Women Program (EWP): which includes three main units
- Small business and development unit.
- Training and Capacity building unit.
- Multi –purpose safe space (Case manager psychologist-Social Workers) & Legal Clinic.
Conducting need assessment of Information and Innovation Research program which includes three main units
- Information unit.
- Research unit & ICT Incubator.
Conducting need assessment of Advocacy and Outreach program which includes two main units
- Media & Video unit.
- Advocacy.
Based on the lessons learned, key conclusions, and the progress achieved, provide practical recommendations for programmatic future follow-up actions.
- Identify were the programs objectives in line with needs and engaged with the beneficiaries needs.
- Were risks appropriately identified by the programs? How appropriate are/were the strategies developed to deal with the identified risks?
Scope of the Contract & the Methodology:
The consultant is expected to use a new methodology,
Successful candidate will demonstrate high capacity in the following disciplines:
- Competency in conducting a professional work in need assessment.
- 3-5 years of directly related experience in conducting needs assessment for NGOs.
- The supplier should have proven skills in analytical thinking and concept building, quantitative and qualitative methods, process management skills, and facilitation skills.
- A supplier will be responsible for the overall co-ordination of conducting the need assessment.
- A supplier should have advanced experience in need assessment and excellent report writing skills.
By end of the need assessment, an electronic report (Word document) in English and Arabic will be developed including the following:
- Methodological framework for need assessment (English& Arabic) including all tools produced
- Need Assessment report (English& Arabic) (Max. 35 pages plus annexes; font: Arial 11) that include the following main sections:
- Table of contents
- Abbreviations list
- Executive summary (that can be used as a stand-alone document)
- Brief on General context in Palestine at the design and implementation phase
- Introduction that includes the objectives of the need assessment, methodologies and techniques used and limitations of the need assessment, where relevant.
- Presentation of the need assessment analysis and findings,
- Conclusions and recommendations for improvement and future actions with a clear relationship between them.
Report annexes that include: The Terms of Reference of the need Assessment the techniques used for data collection; the program adhered to; the list of people met; list of document and bibliography and composition need assessment team.
Consultancy Offers:
Consultancy offers should contain the following:
- One copy of both Technical and Financial offers in separate and sealed envelopes.
- Profile / CVs of the consultant with relevant experience in similar consultancies.
- The prices in Dollar
- The attached financial offer should be in Dollar
Financial Arrangement
Payments shall be after final approval and submission all requirements the consultant shall be required to submit a payment request with the deliverables submitted.
The evaluation method will be the quality and cost based selection. A two-stage procedure shall be utilized in evaluating the Proposals; a technical evaluation and a financial evaluation.
Proposals will be ranked according to their combined technical and financial scores using the weights of <70>% for the Technical Proposal; and <30>% for the offered price.
Closing Date and Delivery:
Closing date for receiving consultancy offers is on Sunday 03/10/2021. Offers must be submitted by hand at WAC office
WAC Address: Al Rimal –Khalil Al Wasir ST.Al Said Building
Tel: 00970 8 2877311. 2877312.
For further information, please contact Ms ,Reem El Nairab , Email: reem.wac.ps@gmail,com, please download the TOR from here
Note: The consultant should apply for just one unit whiten his/her specialization.