Terms of Reference Consultancy Services to Conduct External Evaluation
Within Final Evaluation of “Protection and support of the most vulnerable women and girls GBV survivors including with disabilities, with cancer, pregnant, chronically ill, internally displaced and female- headed households in quarantine and remote communities in the Gaza Strip” project
Women Affairs Center (WAC) was established on August 1991 by a group of activist professional women to promote women's rights and gender equality within the Palestinian society via empowering and enhancing women abilities in a range of nontraditional skills to address the problems and respond to the needs of women under the difficult political, socioeconomic, cultural and legal context in the Gaza Strip. It’s a women knowledge-based center playing an innovative and catalytic role in empowering women; and advocating women's rights and gender equality in the Palestinian sustainable development process. WAC is an independent and nonprofit Palestinian NGO with the purpose of empowering women and advocating women’s rights and gender equality through capacity development, information and innovative research and advocacy programs.
The final Evaluation of "Protection and support of the most vulnerable women and girls GBV survivors including with disabilities, with cancer, pregnant, chronically ill, internally displaced and female- headed households in quarantine and remote communities in the Gaza Strip" project leaded by WAC with two partners RCS4GS and CFTA. The project objective is Improved protection and respect of the rights of most vulnerable women>18-59 and >59 years and girls 14-17 years survivors of GBV in quarantine and remote communities and increased their access to safe, gender responsive and inclusive multi-sectoral GBV services based on IASC Minimum Standards for GBV". WAC partners with RCS4GS and CFTA to make incremental changes in situation of women and girls, community and duty bearers. The project targets directly 8521 beneficiaries (4772 women, 495 men, 3109 girls, 145 boys, out of them 852 PwDs) identified based on vulnerability criteria: GBV survivors; with disability; chronically ill, IDPs, pregnant & FHHs (widows, divorced, suspended), according to their location, status, protection risks and needs severity. Benificiaries are selected from North (Qarya Badawiya, Siafa, Jabalia); Gaza (Mughraqa, Shati Camp, Juhor Dik); Deir Balah (Wadi Salqa); KhanYounis (Mawasi); Rafah (Shuket Elsoofi) & ARAs. The main activities include: provide PSS/ legal aid via partners’ help lines for 3000 women/ 600 girls & 150 GBV SWC and refer GBV severe cases to individual PSS and other multisectoral services; REMOTE structured individual PSS to 360 women/ 240 girls & 96 SWC; in-person structured group PSS and awareness raising to 120 women/30 girls & 60 SWC; specialized mental health to 27 women/ 9 girls & 21 SWC; couple therapy to 120 women/ 45 SWC; individual legal counselling to 120 women/ 30 girls & 60 SWC and court representation to 51 women/ 12 girls & 12 SWC; health care to 180 women/ 72 girls & 60 SWC; dignity kits to 180 women, 60 girls & 72 SWC; cash assistance to 60 women & 48 SWC; financial assistance to 15 affected small businesses, case management to 30 women & 12 SWC; B) capacity building to 120 staff of GBV actors and partners on self-care, remote counselling & case management; COVID-19 IPC; PSEA policy; 5Ws and GBVIMS to effectively/ safely collect, store, analyze & share data to ensure needs met without gaps/ duplication & advance GBV programming and advocacy; C) community engagement, accountability and advocacy like: radio ad, press releases, community meetings, electronic pamphlet & fact sheet, feedback/ complaints mechanism, PSEA & digital advocacy initiative.
Purpose of the contract:
To evaluate the " Protection and support of the most vulnerable women and girls GBV survivors including with disabilities, with cancer, pregnant, chronically ill, internally displaced and female- headed households in quarantine and remote communities in the Gaza Strip” project
Contract Scope & Methodology:
The external evaluator is expected to use a dynamic learning approach based on triangulation-cross checking and validation of information collected about the five evaluation criteria (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability)
Qualitative tools will be used to collect information including semi-structured interviews, focus groups, participatory observation, document review, case studies. Lessons learned will be drawn and practical recommendations to improve the future work will be concluded.
Responsibilities of the evaluator:
- The successful evaluator will work closely with WAC, and the project partners and receive feedback of the project from the coordinators.
- The consultant will keep close contact with the assigned WAC supervisors all through the evaluation cycle and provide updates about the process, discuss issues and arising obstacles
Responsibilities of WAC:
- Mobilize the target stakeholders for the evaluator.
- Support the consultant in all needed documents.
Evaluation work plan and Time frame:
In addition to the methodology explained above, the consultant should submit in an evaluation work plan with identified time frame highlighting the following milestones:
- Methodology
- Conducting the field work
- Submission of first draft report
- Submission of final report
Duration of contract:
Work is expected to be finalized directly after signing the contract with the selected consultant.
Successful consultant will demonstrate high capacity in the following disciplines:
- Competency in conducting an evaluation work of similar type
- Experience in evaluation.
- The supplier should have proven skills in analytical thinking and concept building, quantitative and qualitative methods, process management skills, and facilitation skills.
- A company or a supplier will be responsible for the overall co-ordination of conducting the evaluation.
- A supplier should have advanced experience in evaluation and excellent report writing skills.
Consultancy Offers:
- Consultancy offers should be sent to WAC following address and should contain the following:
- One copy of both Technical and Financial offers in separate and sealed envelopes.
- CV of the consultant with relevant experience in similar consultancies.
- A detailed budget with cost breakdown Dollar with free of tax invoice/zero bill
Closing Date and Delivery:
Closing date for receiving consultancy offers on Sunday 26 September, 2021 and they should be delivered in envelopes with name of consultant by hand to the following address:
2nd floor, Al Said Building Khalil Al-Wazier Street, Lababidi Square